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Página inicial > Educação Contextualizada > A POLÍTICA NACIONAL DE RECURSOS HÍDRICOS E AS ÁGUAS SUBTERRÂNEAS (Maio 2017)
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Publicado: Quarta, 02 de Agosto de 2017, 09h39 | Última atualização em Quinta, 20 de Dezembro de 2018, 21h34 | Acessos: 427

Aldo da Cunha Rebouças


Fresh water is not, of course, just like petroleum: it is a much more valuable resource human and most of the life cannot exist without it. The paradox is that we value such a valuable resource so little, mostly when it is a hidden resource like groundwater. However, there are no technological limitations to reaching the deeper and confined aquifers in Brazil and in their major cities several thousands of private uncontrolled wells are used to supply industries, hotels, hospitals and private joint ownerships, mainly. Moreover, for much of the country groundwater may be also important as a source for livestock, base flows to rivers, and in contributing to surface water reservoirs, wetland water balance and ecology. Since the Federal Constitution of 1988, at least, water resource management is an important and complex area of governmental resource management and environmental policies. Unfortunately, when water resource problems occur governments often respond by assigning the problems to administrative organisations insufficiently equipped to cope with them.

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